2021 Asian American Theology Conference
Lived Theology in Asian America
Race, Justice, and Politics in Transpacific Context
April 23-24, 2021 • Online Conference
2021 Asian American Theology Conference
Lived Theology in Asian America
Rising anti-Asian racism in the United States and ongoing debates over race have sparked critical reflection on the role and responsibility of Asian Americans in domestic politics. The 2020 presidential election revealed political tensions among Asian Americans across ethnic, socioeconomic, religious, and generational lines. Christian clergy and laity have expressed renewed interest in the tasks of racial reconciliation and justice, the relation between Christianity and politics, and the unique transpacific contexts of Asian churches here and abroad. Yet, many Asian American Christians struggle to find their place in these heated debates, and desire a critical theology that articulates and responds to their discontent.
This conference draws upon history, social science, and ethnography to explore the lived experience of Asian Christian communities and articulate a lived theology by, for, and about Asian Americans. How does Christian faith shape Asian American participation in conversations about race, justice, and politics? How do stories of transpacific migration motivate Asian communities differently than other groups in the work of justice? What historical precedents or case studies might we turn to, in order to form a better kind of politics in our churches and communities?
This conference centers the experiences of Asian American Christian communities, using historical, sociological, and ethnographic tools to examine how Asian American Christians creatively engage race, justice, and politics from a transpacific perspective.
Countries Represented

Following the success of the 2017 and 2019 Asian American theology conferences at Princeton Theological Seminary, we had planned to host a conference in 2021. COVID-19 has prevented us from gathering in Princeton out of a concern for the health and safety of our community.
We are adapting to the new normal by organizing a two-day, online conference for April 23-24, 2021. We aim to create a virtual, synchronous conference experience that maximizes conversation and relationship-building among speakers and attendees in addition to the usual presentations of papers. Based on the guidance and recommendation of local and state health officials, we hope to host a conference at Princeton Theological Seminary in spring 2022.
We Believe This Is An Opportunity
We have worked hard to re-imagine an online, virtual experience for our 2021 conference. Creative uses of technology during the global pandemic serve as an opportunity to expand the conversation about Asian American theology in new ways.
A Global Conference
Technology allows us to overcome geographical boundaries. This year we are able to reach and gather a national and international audience.
With the help of Princeton Theological Seminary, sponsors, and friends, we are excited to host this year's conference as a free event. The cost of registration, travel, lodging, and meals is no longer a barrier to entry.
Bigger & Better
This is an opportunity to grow our network and to connect with Christians across the globe.
Real Engagement Online
We are excited to provide an online conference platform where you can meet new people and gather for informal conversation in lounge rooms and at discussion tables.
Statement on the Atlanta Murders
Sung Yeon is a first generation immigrant working mom who is passionate about building power to create change so her daughter can live in a more just world than the one she inherited.
Sung Yeon initially came to NAPAWF as it’s National Field Director with a vision to build infrastructure for building a robust base of community leaders who are most affected by the policy issues that NAPAWF works on, namely immigrant rights, economic justice, and reproductive right and health, using the reproductive justice framework.
Sung Yeon has continued to lead NAPAWF with the vision of building power with Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) women and girls as she took on the role of Executive Director at NAPAWF.
Under Sung Yeon’s leadership, NAPAWF has gone from one organizer (her!) to now a team of nine on the organizing team. Sung Yeon deeply believes that policies should be made by the people for the people and when people are equipped with tools to build power and create change, we will get the job done.
Before working at NAPAWF, Sung Yeon was the Director of Organizing at Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ) leading collaborative work with community organizations, unions and faith communities on worker organizing and worker justice public policy. Prior to IWJ, Sung Yeon was a Community Organizer at Asian American Institute where she helped organize the pan-Asian American community in Chicago to work together on presidential and mayoral elections, immigration reform, the state budget, and redistricting.
Sung Yeon was born in South Korea and spent her childhood in Singapore and India. Sung Yeon came to the U.S. at the age of 18 to study Political Science and Urban Studies at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL and earned an M.Div from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. Sung Yeon is an Ordained Minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Sung Yeon is a board member of the Hana Center, a Chicago based organization that builds power with Korean Americans, immigrants, and multi-racial communities for just policies that impact immigrant families.

He has served as a pastor to three congregations including The National Presbyterian Church in Washington D.C. He also served as the Meneilly Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Pittsburgh Seminary while also serving as the senior pastor of Shadyside Presbyterian Church. In 2012 he was elected president of Princeton Theological Seminary.
He has eight published books (soon to be nine…his latest book Diary of a Pastor’s Soul, will be published this May. He also served as an Editor at Large and frequent contributor to The Christian Century for many years.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Morning Session
Race, Justice, and Politics in Asian America
This session draws upon the leading and latest social science and historical research to frame our conference topic on the intersection of race, justice, and politics in Asian America. Where do Asian Americans fit into today’s race conversations? Why should Asian Americans care about this history and data? What are the implications for our lives as Christians?
Time (ET)
9:15AM ET
Opening Remarks
Dr. David Chao
9:30AM ET
Asian American Churches in the 21st Century: A New Agenda in the Social Scientific Study of Religion
Dr. Jerry Park
10:00AM ET
The Asian American Movement and the Church
Dr. Jane Hong
10:30AM ET
Virulent Hate: Stories of Anti-Asian Racism and Asian American Resistance During Covid-19
Dr. Melissa Borja
11:00AM ET
Panel Discussion with Friday Morning Speakers and Questions from Audience
Lunch Break (12PM ET)
Networking & Lounge Discussions
Afternoon Session
Stories and Practical Strategies from the Field: Community Organizing on Race and Justice
What are some practical strategies for talking about faith and justice at church? What challenges do community organizers face in organizing Asian Americans around issues of race and justice? What are opportunities and challenges in organizing Asian American churches? How has COVID shaped community organizing?
Time (ET)
1:00PM ET
Workshop Skills Training: “We Need to Talk: Religious Communities and Courageous Communication About Faith and Justice”
Dr. Melissa Borja
1:30PM ET
Conversation on Faith, Community Organizing, and Asian American Churches
Rev. Sung Yeon Choimorrow
Dr. Lucas Kwong
Dr. Melissa Borja
2:30PM ET
Fireside Chat with Jonathan Tran and Craig Barnes about Race, the Church, and Asian America
Dr. Jonathan Tran President M. Craig Barnes
3:30PM ET
Brief Closing Remarks and Announcements for Saturday
Dr. David Chao
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Morning Session
Lived Theology in Transpacific Context
This session delves into particular ethnographic case studies and demonstrates the utility of ethnography and oral history for doing Asian American theology. We highlight the voices, experiences, and faith of ordinary Asian Christians. We productively frame the transpacific connection of “Asia” and “Asian America” with basic questions such as: What is Asian American identity–how does our migration history and ongoing connections to Asia complicate the White-Black racial binary in the US? How does the transpacific context of Asian American identity challenge domestic notions of justice? How does Christian faith motivate Asian and Asian American civic engagement and political agency?
Time (ET)
9:15AM ET
Opening Remarks
Dr. David Chao
9:30AM ET
Living Faith between Kingdoms and Empires: Pondering the Trans-Pacific Politics of Chinese/American Theologizing
Dr. Easten Law
10:00AM ET
A Hong Kong Ethnography in the Time of COVID-19: Analyzing Primary Qualitative Data in a Transpacific Context
Gillian Chu
10:30AM ET
Living in the Promised Land: Impact of Black Lives Matter Movement on the Indian American Christians Living in NYC Metropolitan Areas
Dr. Geomon George
11:00AM ET
Ethnography at the Ruins of Asian America
Dr. Jonathan Tran
11:30AM ET
Panel Discussion with Saturday Morning Speakers and Questions from Audience
Lunch Break (12:30PM ET)
Networking & Lounge Discussions
Afternoon Session
Best Practices for Theological Field Work: Collecting Our Practical Wisdom
Our conference speakers have a wide range of expertise and practical wisdom in doing field work with Asian and Asian American Christian communities. This conference features ethnographic field work as a promising avenue for doing Asian American theology. The first panel discussion brings together our speakers to share best practices for bringing ethnography and theology into conversation. The second panel discussion brings together our speakers to consider field work as a form of pastoral practice.
Time (ET)
1:00PM ET
Panel Discussion on Field Work and Pastoral Practice
Dr.Jane Hong,
Dr. Melissa Borja,
Dr. Easten Law,
Gillian Chu,
Dr. Geomon George,
Dr. Jonathan Tran
2:00PM ET
Panel Discussion on Best Practices for Doing Field Work
Dr. Jane Hong,
Dr. Melissa Borja,
Dr. Easten Law,
Gillian Chu,
Dr. Geomon George,
Dr. Jonathan Tran
3:00PM ET
Concluding Discussion Followed by Brief Closing Remarks
Center for Asian American Christianity
The newly expanded Center for Asian American Christianity at Princeton Theological Seminary comes at a critical time in the life of Asian America. Asian Americans are the fastest-growing racial-ethnic demographic in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the persistence of anti-Asian racism. Moreover, minority and immigrant churches are poised to transform the face of Christianity in the United States in the next few decades. The Center for Asian American Christianity seeks to equip and empower the next generation of Asian American leaders for service in church, society, and academy.
Princeton Theological Seminary has been a leading voice in Asian American theology and ministry through the work of Professor Emeritus Sang Hyun Lee, the Center for Asian American Christianity, and the establishment of the Kyung-Chik Han Chair of Asian American Theology.
What We Do
The Center for Asian American Christianity forms Christian leaders who serve Jesus Christ in ministries marked by faith, integrity, scholarship, competence, compassion, and joy.
Steering Committee